
What We Offer Our Sellers

  • Our Seller Guide

    Before we list your home, we will prepare a Seller’s Guide that will contain a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA), a timeline from start to finish, advice for prepping the home, and more. This packet provides you with all of information necessary to list and sell with us successfully.

  • Professional Photography, Videography, and Aerial Images

    According to, 92% of Buyers use the Internet when house shopping. Their first impression of a home is everything. Odds are, if the photos don’t wow them, they will move on to the next home.

    We are partnered with the best real estate photographer in the business to bring you a premium experience. They specialize in video tours, drone photography, and virtual staging.

  • Negotiations

    Our expert negotiation tactics are your secret weapon in securing the best deal for you. With our team collaboration, attention to detail, and our ability to communicate effectively, we ensure that all parties within the transaction come to mutually beneficial agreements.

  • Pre-Market Home Inspection

    We are pleased to offer our listing clients with a pre-market home inspection. This saves the seller money, allows for repairs to be completed before the home is active, and smooth the deal.

    When issues are discovered during a pre-listing inspection, the seller can either have them fixed before putting the home on the market or disclose the issues to potential buyers. Either choice will make the home sell faster by preventing long negotiations after the buyer has an inspection.

  • Taylor-ed Marketing Plan

    In addition to our Seller’s Guide, Taylor will utilize her marketing skills to curate a unique marketing plan based on your goals as a seller. The marketing plan will outline our strategies, concepts, and audience reach to get your home the most exposure possible.

  • Vendor Services

    At any point in the process, you may need recommendations for movers, cleaners, painter, and so on. We’re compiled a vendor list with every service you may require. From landscaping to Christmas light installation services - we’ve got you covered.

  • Our Team

    Because we have a real estate team, we have you covered all the way around. This means we can hold open houses more often, market your home on multiple platforms, and reach a wider audience than a solo agent.

  • US!

    Lastly, you get us! Our negotiation tactics, experience, and market knowledge are one-of-a-kind. We have your best interest at heart and want to get you the best deal possible. Let’s grab coffee and talk about your options - no stress.

    Plus, we have a great sense of humor and will keep you entertained through it all!


  • Fill out our contact form here. This will give us a starting point in determining your home value. You will receive a response in less than 24 hours.

  • This will depend on your home’s condition, location, and price point. Once you are under contract and have accepted an offer from a buyer, the process is about 30-45 days. We have a listing timeline included in our Seller Guide that outlines the process in detail too!

  • In our Seller Guide, we include a checklist for this very thing! In short, clear off surfaces, tidy up the bedrooms, ensure that the home smells great, and put your pets away (if possible).

  • This depends on the agreed upon purchase price of the home, what closing costs/commissions have been negotiated, and your mortgage payoff. We provide seller net sheets to you at our Listing Consult and before accepting an offer!